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Answer to 7/20/2007 prayer, Sherry is home from the hospital with a fractured ankle, but no brain damage. Praise the Lord. Please continue to pray for the driver of the Jeep. ANSWER TO PRAYER: Juls4Jesus13 has found a place to live. I don't receive answers from those on the list usually, but PTL this was a particularly fast answer. Thank you Lord Jesus. ANSWER TO PRAYER: Stacy4Jesus is thankful she has just gotten a job with Habitat for Humanity, working in their store. Pray for Stacy in her new job. 09/12/2007
Sun, 13 Jan 2008 PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This morning at around 8:30 my cousins house burned, they lost everything. All got out except baby Miracle. God took her home today to be with Him. We don't understand why and never will understand things of this nature, but we know God knows and allowed her to be in our family for two months. She was two months old today. Her mom (Nancy) named her Miracle because she was told she could never have children and when she was pregnant did not even know it. When she went to hospital that day she thought it was another medical problem she had reacting and God gave her this beautiful completely healthy little girl. This tragedy has really hit all of the family very hard. Please pray for Jan and Donnie (grandparents), Nancy & Allen (mom and Dad), Brenda (grandma), Jimmy and Iris ( Great grand parents, Dianne and Butch (Aunt and uncle), Jason (Cousin) all of these are immediate family but there are countless aunts, uncles, cousins involved.and all need prayer. Also Dianne, Butch and Uncle Jimmy are all fire fighters Uncle Jimmy retired fire chief but this fire was was one of thier worst because it involved immediate family.I saw my entire family pull together today more than I have in years and I heard I love (you) today from many I have never heard it from. So maybe God placed Miracle in our lives to bring us together, I don't know but for the short time she was here she was a blessing. The outpouring from the community, the officials and fire departments has truly been a blessing, it was as if this family is theirs and they have wrapped the family in love and prayers. I wish to thank all the fire departments and volunteers who helped with the fire and hugged us loved us and cried with us. Nancy, the mother of Miracle, is still in ICU she had many burns and other things from the fire that damaged her. She is having to be kept sedated for her health and when she does awaken all she can do is scream: "where is my baby , I want to see my baby." So when the time comes for them to tell her she will definately need to be covered in prayer. The baby cannot have an autopsy until Monday because the crime lab is closed over the weekend, end unless they can get them to do it over week end, so the services will not be until sometime next week. I would also like to thank the Red Cross. They were there and all paper work has been filled out to help this family and they were fast and efficient, Thank you Mrs. Jones. It seems most of the other members of family are ok physically, except for smoke inhalation. But they tried feverishly to rescue Miracle but they were all asleep and the smoke woke them and the smoke and fire was to bad and to hot and nothing they could do to get to the baby . They said they were stumbling over each other at times trying to get to the baby but could not. Cause of fire is still not known. Fire investigator will return tomorrow and work on it again.
But I am asking for you to reach your prayer warriors everywhere and lift the family up now and in days to follow. I thank you in advance for the prayers.
11/03/2007 Pray for Michelle... her father just died from cancer and she is devastated Please pray for Barbara. 11/03/2007 (11:00 AM) DRSPIRITGIVER: I COULD NOT HOLD ONTO ANYTHING YESTERDAY.. (my hands are) TODAY STILL NUMB AND NOT MUCH FEELING IN THEM. Please pray for Vicki's hands/wrists, for healing, and for her other needs. Pray also for vertigo. 11/06/2007 Tuesday, Tommy (cuddle) goes into the hospital. Pray for peace of mind for Tommy, and skill and caring for the doctors and all who will be involved with Tommy. Pray that God's Healing Hand will touch Tommy. 11/01/2007 - 3:30 pm noslavetosin/Missy asked for prayer for her husband Bill. Bill was admitted to ICU yesterday with a heart attack. He goes for surgery tomorrow, and the blood clot in his leg must be dealt with. Please pray for full recovery for Bill. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR gypsy/Sandra. Several days ago one of the rods that hold her together from her accident with a tractor trailer, began coming out.. her cat woke her in time and it was repaired. It happened to the same rod shortly after I left from my visit with Sandra in Maine. It was repaired again, but is more painful this time than the last. This pain is intense, because it involves bones. Pray for Sandra's release from such pain, and for all of her physical, monetary, and other needs. Amen! 10/08/2007 - (8:22 AM) harmony_4u_and me: ellie please send prayers up for me for a depression of anxiety that hits me i think it maybe (deleted) causing it sis but they have me on some meds. and i am having a hard time suicide thoughts at times and panic attacks terrible sis . 09/30/2007 - JustinElias asks for prayer for his hand. He had surgery, but the bone is not healing. He is going through regeneration therapy, using a regeneration unit. His bone was decaying, and part of his distal radius was taken and moved with an artery in hopes to regenerate bonegrowth. 09/28/2007 IN CAR ROOM - apostles_doctrine_Jesus: Please remember my son Earl Hopkins. He was hurt while serving in Iraq. He is in a army hospital now in San Antonio. They are thinking about removing his hand. Thanks and God bless..... They are deciding today if left hand should be remove this Monday 09/28/2007 IN CAR ROOM - (10:49 AM) NO 1 GRANNY: i got a prayer request for trooper (Donna) said she is realy sick so weak she can hardly talk. 09/28/2007 - Please pray for gypsy/Sandra, who has leukemia, and feels tired and sick all the time. Pray for TRIPLE 707/Larry, who had an accident and pulled his shoulder out. More damage has been discovered, and Larry goes for corrective surgery Oct 3, 2007. 09/28/2007 - Tommy says a cyst has been discovered, and a biopsy will be taken. Keep Tommy in prayer. 09/28/2007 - Stacy says they have found a cyst, and she is very concerned. Please pray for Stacy. Both she and Tommy are crying. 09/28/2007 - Keep Vicki BOLDFORJESUS in prayer. Give her the "peace that passeth all understanding" as she faces weather warnings.
09/25/2007 - In CAR Radio Room This Morning... Vicki needs prayer for peace during storm warnings, sirens, all that reminds her of the May Tornado she endured in her basement. Marilyn asked that we pray for Donna (Lady Trooper), as her kidneys are shutting down. Continue in prayer for Ann in regard to her situation there also. Marilyn asks for prayer for "One month old baby abducted in Ontario 2 weeks ago. The mother was found unconscious." Marilyn needs prayer - She has an appt 10/15 for ultrasound on kidneys, and check cyst on one of kidneys. From yesterday in CAR room - Jolita needs prayer. One kidney is going into failure, and she has pain in her left leg and arm. Pray for Jolita's granddaughter, Mari, as she has mono, which is very serious. From Mariyn: "The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy." Psalm 145:8 Amen, Thank you Jesus for forgiving our sin. Help us to live as You want us to live. Pray for TRIPLE 707 - Larry goes to surgeons 10/2/07 to talk about operation the next day, which is needed on his separated shoulder. There is apparently some nerve and other damage inside that needs correction. Pray that the Lord will heal Larry's shoulder. 09/16/2007 - Rita relayed prayer request from Vicki, who is being troubled with severe vertigo. This is dizziness where you cannot stand properly. Pray also for vicki to have helpers come while she is in this state, as her medicine is in the van across the street, and she can't go get it. Sept 12, 2007 2:55pm, this was received from Larry on his return home: TRIPLE 707 a freak accident here and i dislocated right shoulder. no bones broke , surgeons repositioned, in a very tight sling. severe pain, they had to know me out ellie. dr had hard time with reposition due to heavy muscle. they had to knock me out ellie. Larry then left to take medication, as it was 4 hours since his medication in hospital. Praise God, Larry will just lose some work, and gain some much needed rest.
09/12/2007 - TRIPLE 707 (see his prayer need for Dupuytrens Disease below) took a fall and hurt his arm badly. Larry has a problem with one of his eyes, and is on medication for now. 09/11/2007 - tweety1962 asks for prayer for her son, Charles Denton, who is in prison. There was an accidental shooting between two 17 year olds, but Charles is in prison for murder. Please pray he finds Jesus there, and pray for peace for his mother. 09/11/2007 - Larry (Admin in TxAnGel Intl Cafe at Pal) asks for prayer for his grandma, Glenda Tenney, who had a stroke today. Please pray that Glenda recovers quickly. 08/07/2007 - (10:03 AM) noslave2sin: on Sunday night we had to put (my husband) William in hospital --still here --has infection in his legs and fluid around his heart. (Missy came into the CAR Ham Radio Room using her laptop, from the hospital) 08/07/2007 - 10:21 AM Heidi asked for prayer for her uncle who was rushed to the hospital Saturday 8/4, and will have triple bypass surgery on Wednesday 8/8. Please pray for him, and for the family. 08/07/2007 (10:21 AM) chillin_hillbilly: (Pray for) Craig and Dee Dee. To find a home and jobs. They are in bad shape.
Earlier Requests - Please Continue To Pray08/02/2007 - tizmebob: Bobby's timing chain broke on his vehicle, and it would cost $100 to fix, and need pulley etc. Please pray that Bobby will be provided with an inexpensive vehicle. He has an important appointment with the VA Hospital on Monday, and it is 130 miles each way. He has nobody to take him anywhere, and is 14 miles from town. E By Gums Mrs brian: "September 18th is my surgery, the doctor just phoned me." Please pray for Suzie, that the Lord will guide the doctors' hands in her leg surgery, and all those involved in her care. Pray for complete healing after the operation... doctors do what they can, it is God Who heals. Christismyallinall: <<(08/01/07 9:42 AM EDT)>> prayer request...please keep the Cunningham family in your prayers....John, a cab driver who worked with Paul, passed away very suddenly on Monday night...please keep his wife and children in your prayers... 07/29/2007 - tizmebob request: Bobby went to the hospital Friday night with chest pains. They did a CAT scan and blood work. There was something in the center of his chest. He returns Wednesday for a stress test. Please pray for our Bobby, that the lord will clear anything away that is not normal, and heal him. Bobby has stomach pain quite bad as well, and thinks he had food poisoning. 07/22/2007 - (8:53 PM) momma1971: "please keep my family in prayer thanks they were killed by a drunk driver.." The couple were 48 and 50 year old parents of 4 children. A drunk driver ran a red light, going 85mph. Please pray for these 4 children, and the rest of the family. 07/20/2007 - Ellie asks for prayer for TRIPLE, a close friend. Larry has Dupuytren's disease where his fingers contract. It is painful, and often there is swelling. Please pray for the Lord's leading regarding treatment to relieve symptoms, or eventual surgery. 07/20/2007 - TRIPLE requests prayer. Please pray for Larry's friend who had a bad auto accident today at about 10am central. Her car was hit by a big modified Jeep, and was totaled. Sherry has a lot of head injury, and we are checking with the hospital for details. Sherry has a son, and a sister who we believe has been notified. Update: Sherry taken to local hospital, and due to car safety features has no broken bones.... she is conscious and alert. Driver of the Jeep had to be taken by medivac to hospital, no news on that driver's condition. 07/18/2007 - Roy was not in CAR Paltalk room today. Must have gotten a quick doctor's appointment. He has prostate trouble, and yesterday found a lump. Please pray for Roy. 07/17/2007 - vicki phoned asking urgent prayer to find a house before winter comes. 07/16/2007 - silverd is in the hospital with pneumonia, and also they have found spots on her lungs. Just a few years ago her husband passed away with cancer. Please pray for healing for silvers. 07/15/2007 - Please pray for Debbie who has had pneumonia, but now has a systemic infection. She is now on antibiotics. Pray they take effect quickly. Debbie also has the flu, so her system is weakened. She is home now, thank God, but please pray for complete recovery for Deb. 07/15/2007 - Melli asks for prayer to heal her painful ailment. She cries with the pain sometimes, in her shoulder. 07/14/2007 - (12:48 AM) Isinghispraise: "I had to go to the hospital today. I had no strength and almost passed out at work. They found that I have an ear infection and that the infection had spread throughout my body. I am on internal and external anti-biotics. I was so sick, I thought I was going to die. Apparently, this has been in progress for quite sometime. I cannot go back to work for awhile. Keep me in prayers." Praise the Lord David's infection was caught before it reached the mastoid. 07/13/2007 - Please put Vicki on your urgent prayer list, and any other lists you may know of. It's my opinion that Vicki is experiencing PTS, Post Traumatic Stress. Her last call to me was in the wee hours this morning, and she said she was close to "losing it" over the current storm. It isn't a matter of "get over it," or "leave it with Jesus," as she has been badly traumatized. 07/13/2007 - In CAR Paltalk room this morning, Rita asks for prayer for her marriage. Pray that the Lord will place His Hand on this marriage, and also show Rita the direction God is taking in this matter. 07/13/2007 - Stacy asks for prayer for her nephew Austin who is having his tonsils out this morning. Please also pray for Austin and his brother Isaac, that they will find Jesus as their Savior. 07/12/2007 - Roy of Kent asks for prayer for an enlarged prostate. The medication is not very effective any longer. Pray for healing, and wisdom of doctors. 07/11/2007 - Billy asks for prayer for his family. They need a touch from the Lord, and to be saved. Also, brother freespirit is in the hospital, and an unspoken need. 07/09/2007 - In CAR room today, Heavenbound575 asked for prayer for a serious condition due to diabetes. Burlene, a woman from Oregon, has a very large ulcer under her heel, and toe. Please pray for this urgent situtation. 6/30/2007 Pray for Paltalk gypsy. Sandra was in a terrible auto accident, and was badly injured. She has metal in her, the cop who helped rescue got the doctors to save Sandra's leg, but there was much damage to her body. She used to sing beautifully, and plays recordings if she is asked to, but her vocal chords were damaged. She has CRS among other things, has opted not to have chemo, as she is asking for a miracle. Please pray for all aspects of Sandra's life, health, healing. 6/28/2007 harmony asks for prayer. She was attacked, has herniated disks and injuries, but also now has panic attacks. She has needs for a cooler living environment as well as the serious physical needs. Please pray the Lord will touch her life and body, and heal her. 6/26/2007 cuddlebear aka Tommy sent an IM that he had gone to emergency and is very sick. Earlier he learned he has to go on dialisis next week. He says he is in pain all the time, and that they have raised his morphina (sp?).. the nurses came and gave IV. Please pray for Debbie who has asthma. She has fluid on her lungs again, and has been given inhalers and steroids. When she is well, she will be given a pneumonia shot that will last 10 years. She has asked the Lord to give her good days again. Amen. 6/20/2007 StacyBelongs2Jesus2900: I need prayers to find a job here in Georgia. 6/20/2007 JUDYSJOY4JESUS2006: Please Pray for my two grandsons Tristan and Trevor. Their father Tony, who is only 30, is dying with cancer . He was misdiagnozed a year ago, and now has only been given just a week to live. Please pray for the boys, that they have the strength to get through this. Pray for the salvation of Tony and his family. 6/19/2007 Prayer request in CAR room from sumerzbrz. She has a big court date coming up, and needs the calming assurance from Jesus. She is a new Christian of about two weeks. God Bless you sumerz. 6/15/2007 Suzie (E By Gums Mrs) would appreciate your prayers. She has fallen twice since January and very severly injured her left leg, and her knee. She has had x rays and an mri. Mri says she needs surgery. She will be going to a surgeon in Indianapolis on June 26th. Please keep her in your payers. 6/14/2007 In Instant Message with tizmebob, early in the mnorning hours, Bobby's blood pressure was high. Pray that the medication he is now taking is the right one for him, but pray that the Lord will touch Bobby's body. 6/13/2007 Vicki's 2nd call today. She asks for prayer as she is not handling tornado and thunderstorm warnings well. 6/13/2007 Please pray for Christy, Tim's daughter, who is going into the hospital tomorrow morning, for tests. Please pray there will be no cancer found. 6/13/2007 From the CAR room: Linda is having an operation next Friday, June 22nd. Keep her in prayer, and all those who will be involved in the care of Linda. 6/13/2007 From the CAR room: Juls4Jesus13: "I'm here having to move trying to find a place to live please remember me in prayer having a hard time relocating..." Juls needs a place in a safe neighborhood. 6/11/2007 About 6pm central time, Vicki phoned. She took a fall on uneven sidewalk, and she said "I chewed my leg up pretty good, Mama." Pray for quick healing, especially because of her "sugar." 06/11/2007 chipndale asks for prayer in finding work in his new location. Pray for leading in daily decisions. 06/11/2007 tismebob asks for prayer to help him through the first stages of withdrawal, as he quits smoking. Pray for Bobby for other needs as well. 06/11/2007 Sandra asks for prayer for her body, and to show her the right decision to make for her future. 06/10/2007 Brother Tommy/cuddlebear402005/, requests prayer for his arthritis, ms, and other ailments. Please pray that his pain will be alleviated, as his entire body hurts. 06/07/2007 Vicki asks for prayer for her aunt who will be having cataract surgery on July 10th & 12th. 06/07/2007 Rita asks for prayer for her mother who has a hernia, and will likely need surgery. 06/06/2007 Laurie needs prayer for the cold she has now, and other things unmentioned. She was in car today, and has a doctor appointment Monday. 06/06/2007 Mable needs prayer for her tooth. She had two crowns done, and one is bothering her. The dentist ground it and is having her come back Monday, June 11th. Pray that Mable's tooth will calm down, and be healthy. 06/05/2007 chipndale5 asked for prayer in the CAR room today. He has moved from KY to Mussel Shoals, Alabama, and is looking for work. Keep "chip" in prayer for work and other things he needs in his life. 05/29/2007 froghop asked for prayer regarding his job. His hours have been cut and he cannot pay expenses on his salary. He also asks for prayer for his son, who is not serving the Lord. 06/05/2007 Brandon, a 5 year old boy has cancer. He has a large tumor the doctors would like to remove, as well, but at this time there is not plan to remove it due to the cancer treatments Brandon is receiving. Pray for healing for this child, and for the family. 06/05/2007 Roger (pal pondcoigold) has cancer, and is undergoing intensive treatments. Pray for healing in Roger's body, and for his everyday feelings. 06/05/2007 Vicki is in need of continued prayer for her and her aunt. They both have physical needs, and relief from the ongoing trauma due to the devastating tornado they experienced. 06/05/2007 Continue in prayer for Ann, who is on dialasis.