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Debbie - TheDance Concert Artist July 22, 2007
"TheDance Concert" artist for June 22nd, our 10th week is Debbie (Paltalk's Tx-AnGel)
Debbie's AutobiographyI'm the owner of tx-angel international cafe with some of pal talks finest singers. I also help out in the TheDance room where Ellie puts on some of the best concerts I've heard on Paltalk.
Please attend our weekly Friday night concerts at 10pm eastern, in the Paltalk room "TheDance," to support the artists who give of their time, and who share their wonderful talents with us. Check the SCHEDULE for these concerts. We go to "open mic" when the concerts are over, and anyone who puts their hand up will be called to the mic. The concerts are broadcast over . Thanks, Ellie